Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Day of First Grade

Unfortunately, my computer at school will not let me compose a blog post.  So, the students created a blog today on Microsoft Word and I am copying and pasting it to the blog.  I will also post pictures of the classroom from just before the students arrived today.  Here is the students' blog from today:

Students' Posting:
We got to school and we were excited to be here.  We had to unpack into the baskets and then color.  We liked doing math and going outside.  We found clues everywhere around the school in the busy places to search for the gingerbread man.  We found him in our classroom and we ATE him!!!  Mrs. Dodge gave us marshmallows to remind us about marshmallow toes and marshmallow mouths.  Then we got to eat them.  We are excited about coming back tomorrow. 

I hope to be able to post these during the school day.  However, until further notice, I will post the blogs from my personal home laptop. 

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