Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Sorry we have been soooo busy that we haven't blogged in a while.  But we're back!!!!!  We have done workshop.  We have made Frankensteins and scarecrows.  This morning when we came in, we found halloween erasers at our desks from Mrs. Dodge. 

Today we did the letter c for camera.  We started a new unit called Where Animals Live.  We read a book about a polar bear who wanted to live somewhere else.  He found out that everywhere else was not for him and it was too different.  He liked the cold and ice in the Arctic. 

In math today, we wrote subtraction sentences and it was harder than usual.  Mrs. Dodge used dinosaurs and lollipops to help us learn and understand.  And then she gave us each a lollipop. 

Mrs. Dodge brought in 2 pumpkins today for our class. 

We had a test in writing numbers 1-20 and almost everyone got a 100! 

Yesterday on the playground it started to rain.  Today it was sunny, cold, and windy.

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